Guys, ingat gak waktu dulu kalian kecil terus ditanyakin sama Mama/Papa atau ada orang lain yang bertanya, "Cita-cita kamu jadi apa?" atau "Nanti kamu besar mau jadi apa?".
Pasti pernah donk. Nah, mungkin ada diantara kalian ada yang bilang "Mau jadi dokter" atau "Mau jadi insinyur".
Hal seperti itu memang indah. Saat kita percaya bahwa kita mampu untuk menggapai cita-cita yang kita inginkan. Kita yakin dan percaya bahwa kita bisa menjadi apapun yang kita ingin kan bukan?
Tapi kenyataannya, ketika kita tumbuh dan mengalami banyak kegagalan sering kali kita merasa gak mampu. Sering kali rasa percaya bahwa "Kita Bisa" itu hilang seketika hanya karena kita gagal untuk mencapainya.
Nah, aku mau share sebuah video yang aku yakin bisa mengatasi masalah di atas. Tapi, video ini belum ku edit. Jadi tulisan-tulisannya berbasis English. Belum da waktu untuk editnya.
Okeh langsung aja yah! Cekidot!
Udah tau kan intisarinya gimana?
Berikut replay nya.
THINK when you were still a KID
Think when you were a KID, everything is POSSIBLE
You put the BLANKET over your back,
then you became a SUPERMAN
You take your Mom's BROOM and ride on it,
then you became a WITCH
You climb up the TREE, not knowing that you might fell,
you simply MADE IT
You just had any IDEA and make it happened, because you BELIEVE.
You were then, CREATIVE with strong BELIEF
As you became ADULT,
things seems to be a little DIFFERENT
When you failed in your EXAM,
you think "I can NEVER make it"
When you have a BRILLIANT marriage proposal,
then you think "maybe it's NOT the right time"
When you want to start a BUSINESS,
you think "maybe it's NOT as easy"
When you ALREADY in the BUSINESS,
you heard someone says do NOT take a risk.
Then when you have a BRILLIANT IDEA that,
can create more JOBS for poorer nations,
can provide a better LIVING for more people,
can make our nation PROUD,
can help the GROWTH of our nation,
and can create a better WORLD,
You are still CREATIVE but with more DOUBT
Then years later, you heard....
someone has the same IDEAS as yours
What makes him DIFFERENT from you?
He puts his IDEA into reality.
He's the Most Promosing Creative Young Enterpreneur of the year.
His ACTION won him this recognition.
Then you started to think,
how I WISHED I had taken ACTION that years ago....
THINKwhen you were a KID,
if that idea came by when you were still a KID,
could you have taken ACTION?
When back then, you strongly BELIEVE...
It is never too late....,
you just need to have an IDEA and make it happen.
Oke deh!
itu aja deh dulu untuk hari ini. Semoga membantu kalian untuk tetap optimis meraih cita-cita yang kalian mimpikan!
See You... ;-)
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