September 25, 2012

"I" else...

Dear StandAlone,.

In the Darkness, I found who I am.
In the Darkness, I heard something calling my name. He told me to close my eyes, then...
I saw very clearly 'I' else. It may look strange. But trust me. It's real. Half my soul was empty.
I told him ''Do you good or bad for me?''. Then he replied, ''I was you. Side of evil and the most evil thing you ever met''
With the cold feeling, I said ''Stay away from me!! I don't need you. Go away and never comeback''. Then he said, ''I cann't. Because...
I was your firmness. I was your 'I do not care'. I was your passions. I was your fury. I was your sadness. I was your cold. I was your tear. I was your idiot. I was your friend when you’re alone. I kept you every time. I was you. You need me…''
Then he disappeared. Looks like he came back into my soul.

'My evil side of the most evil? If so, I will change you to be my guardian angel.
The best my good side!' be continued...

15 komentar:

  1. <---- angel not devil.

    *efek gak paham*

  2. wuaduh gw ga tau artinya, saya coba terjemahkan dulu di Google translate hehe

  3. gue gak bisa ngomong setelah baca yang ini :|

  4. ciyeh dialognya serem mirip waktu cowok yg diinsidious ngomong sama hantu nenek yg slalu ngikutin dia :$

  5. @Javas : haha,.. gak usah di translate juga gak apa-apa Vas. Cuma mau belajar fiksi.

    @11 Desember : hohoho.. silahkan :)

    @Ditsakus Paleojavanicus : loh? kenapa?

    @Yoga : aku belum nonton film itu. Aaaaa xD

  6. kata-kata lu keren, fiksinya oke nih .
    simple tapi unique :)
    gue tunggu lanjtannya :)

  7. pada ngomong apaan sih,,??? -_____-'

    1. kwkwokwokwok,...
      ngomong dari hati ke hati :D

  8. Nauval : kenapa ya? coba tanya pada rumout yang bergoyang deh. pasti dia gak bisa jawab .__.

    1. hebat. Rumpu bisa bergoyang.
      gangnam style kah? xD

  9. coba deh nonton :s ciye tempalte baru ciye nauval ciye ciye XD

    1. wkwkwk,..
      iya. Ngetes ngetes... jadi juga yang baru

  10. in the darkness, i see a pocong and kuntilanak
